Quality Policy & Objectives

Exceeding Expectations

The Hemisphere GNSS total quality commitment is to provide its customers with products and services that consistently meet or exceed their expectations. Beginning with Hemisphere’s executive leadership, all employees are committed to total quality excellence and to the overall improvement of its quality management system.

Hemisphere’s quality focus is on its customers. Hemisphere strives to improve the overall quality of its products and services using four (4) key objectives:

  • 1

    On-time delivery of 95% or greater

  • 2

    Not less than ‘above expectations’ on customer satisfaction ratings

  • 3

    Reduction of non-conforming material by monitoring trends, product types, and suppliers

  • 4

    Using customer satisfaction surveys Hemisphere tracks, reviews, and reports customer satisfaction of sales, products, technologies, and technical support

Environmental Social Responsibility

Exceeding Expectations


A101 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 014-17

Size: 69KB

A21 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 005-18

Size: 92KB

A222 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 016-19

Size: 108KB

A25 & A45 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 015-17


A325 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 003-17

Size: 69KB

A326 & AtlasLink - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 002-17

Size: 125KB

A42 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 12-17

Size: 65KB

A43 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 013-17

Size: 105KB

V104 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 015-19

Size: 106KB

C631 – EU Declaration of Conformity – DoC 003 – 21

Size: 53KB

H200 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 014-18

Size: 131KB

H220 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 015-18

Size: 123KB

H328 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 023-19

Size: 141KB

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

Size: 2MB

P206 & P207 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 008-18

Size: 114KB

P326 & P327 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 002-18

Size: 125KB

Phantom 34 GNSS Board - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC-015-21

Size: 112KB

Phantom 40 GNSS Compass Board – EU Declaration of Conformity – DoC 017 - 23

Size: 111KB

R330u - Declaration of Conformity - DoC 012-21

Size: 105KB

R632 – EU Declaration of Conformity – DoC 002 – 21

Size: 115KB

RED - Module B Certificate - SBX-4 - 19-110219

Size: 116KB

S321 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 016-17

Size: 59KB

S631 – EU Declaration of Conformity – DoC 014 - 23

Size: 53KB

SBX-4 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 002-19

Size: 142KB

V102 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 005-17

Size: 120KB

V103 & V113 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 006-17

Size: 133KB

V104 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 015-19

Size: 106KB

V123 & V133 RED - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC-011-20

Size: 102KB

V200 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 014-19

Size: 108KB

V320 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 007-18

Size: 100KB

V500 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 005-19

Size: 115KB

Vega 28 GNSS Compass Board – EU Declaration of Conformity – DoC 010 - 20

Size: 113KB

Vega 40 GNSS Compass Board – EU Declaration of Conformity – DoC 006 - 21

Size: 108KB

VR1000 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 022-19

Size: 127KB

VR500 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 009-19

Size: 120KB

VS1000 - EU Declaration of Conformity - DoC 018-20

Size: 59.7KB

Customer Satisfaction Survey

The customer always comes first, and we listen to each and every one of you. We encourage you to participate in our customer feedback process by completing our Customer Satisfaction Survey.